Thursday, September 29, 2016

The cadiz region of spain


Cadiz, to the south of Huelva province shares the same stretch of coastline, the Costa de la Luz (Coast of Light), an Atlantic coastline, with long stretches of uncrowded pristine sand. Windsurfers and para-surfers will have heard of Tarifa, the most southern point of the Cadiz region, which as you would expect is renown for its constant breeze.

Inland, the area is dotted with pretty white picture postcard villages which during the cooler months lie in pleasantly green hills refreshed by the moist air brought in from the Atlantic, compared to the drier Malaga region.

One of the most interesting of the towns is Jerez de la Frontera, the capital of the sherry region and many of the bodegas offer visitors a tour of how the sherry is made. Gonzalez Byass and Pedro Domecq should be names known to those who appreciate a tipple. The famous white horses of Andalucia, are trained at the famous equestrian school, Real Escuela Andaluza de Arte Ecuestre.

Cadiz city is steeped in history, legend has it that the city was founded by Hercules, though more probably it was initially established by the Phoenicians in 1100BC. Over the centuries the city has been inhabited by Carthaginians, Romans and Moors. Set on a peninsula of land, almost entirely surrounded by the sea, Cadiz has often been the target of attack, mainly from the British with the first attack coming from Sir Francis Drake in 1587.

Cadiz is a wonderful place to explore, with many narrow streets and alleyways opening into market squares full of life.

Accommodation is usually of a very high standard, and whether you stay in a rural self catering rental in Jimena de la Frontera to sample the sherry or a cosy guest house, bed and breakfast in Cadiz, you'll have a holiday to remember.

Ecommerce is the way to go

In a world where the Web is driving the consumer and the market, it is only logical to realize that ecommerce is the way to go. Small business owners everywhere are catching on to the trend of ecommerce. There are many reasons ecommerce is so incredibly popular. Take a look at these reasons and decide for yourself if ecommerce is what you want to take on. Don’t be the last one to get involved in this great thing.

The first reason ecommerce is so popular is because it has opened up a whole new way for consumers to shop. For the first time, consumers are literally able to sit at their home computers and shop. They can do this at any time of day, any day of the week. Even on holidays where every shop in their town is closed, they can shop online with no problem. Giving the consumer this type of freedom is a great thing. With this freedom, consumers will shop more and spend more.

Another reason ecommerce is so popular is because it allows consumers to access items from all over the world. So, they don’t have to travel to Japan to get authentic Japanese products. They can buy anything, from anywhere, without having to leave the comfort of their home or office. Consumers can access the best deals and you can make more money with a wider consumer base that allows you to reach the entire world.

So, if you are a business owner, you might want to take a few pointers and start getting your business into the world of ecommerce soon. It will likely bring your sales up quite a bit. In addition, you will be taking your business to a worldwide level. You can reach consumers from thousands of miles away, which can only help your business grow.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Future plans or dreams

People tend to look in the future with perspective. That is, probably, a remarkable characteristics of human beings. Sure, very often future seems quite vague and uncertain, which makes people feel distressed and at a loss. For this reason we plan events and dream of achieving best results in what we plan.

So, what is the key difference between a future plan and a dream? A dream has some special taste or smell, whatever. It is very often our fantasy, our cherished desire, some crazy wish. We may know that we’ll never get what we dream about but still have and keep our dream for quite a long time. Moreover, some really funny things can turn into dreams for someone, like having a bath full of macaroni (as it was described in one movie), and a person will live the entire life with such a dream. Plans are considered to be much more down-to-earth. Nowadays planning is everywhere: when at job we have daily schedule, even household chores are planned. But of course there are more “global-like” or serious plans, like buying a house at the seaside in 10 years or so. The latter example can be attributed to both dreams and plans. Thus a dream can turn into a plan, if you have some strategy of achieving your aim. There is one more aspect: plans are not always what we really want to get; very often we have to plan unpleasant things for us. A school-boy plans to write his final essay by the deadline, but that’s not what he wants to do. Well, he wants to get a good result, but the whole process may be far from pleasant for him. However, the plan is with him. A new bike can be a dream for this boy, if his family is not rich or is against such presents. Still, this dream can soon transform into a plan. As we see, plans and dreams, despite some differences, are often inter-connected and inter-dependant. That is because they have one important thing in common: they are about future, which is indeed uncertain. Because of such uncertainty, dreams at times turn to be more realistic than plans. That’s life.

Since childhood we dream and plan. We want to open at least a small slot in the doors to the future; that is the sweetness of uncertainty, which may end with bitterness or a greater sweetness. Anyway, both planning and dreaming follow us in the course of our whole life, because they give us grounds, which is more, they provide us with a reason for living.

Attract the wealth you deserve

Is it good when you have huge deposits in the bank, plenty of valuable possessions, abundance of anything of value? Nearly all, measured wealth is in monetary factors. We say that people are wealthy when we see their grand mansions, different cars, lots of jewellery, or expensive clothes.

We assess wealth by material possessions. Wealth can be inherited or created. Only few are born wealthy, most need to work hard and sacrifice a lot of things in order live like a prince. Wealth begets wealth if you know how to manage it.

So the more money you have the more you will become wealthy. Richness offers a lot of opportunities and opens closed doors. It elevates your social standing and gives you power. Ordinarily, it gives superficial happiness. Possessing lots of money is heaven here on earth. You can buy anything you desire, go anywhere you want and own anything your heart desires.

But too much wealth has also its disadvantages. You can read in the papers, wealthy people committing suicide; children of affluent families involved in drug addiction, or people committing murder because of money. Most of these people become distrustful of others and abusive of their fellowmen. Perhaps the saying that money is the root of all evil is true.

Problems with wealth are common that it afflicts people everyday. It affects our everyday relationships, strain on our family lives and even destroys friendships. Wealth problems are mental afflictions that still have to be dealt and overcome; otherwise, it will ruin your life.

Hypnotherapy is one way of dealing with problems related to wealth. Hypnosis has been proven to be effective for similar problems. It is a solution to real life physical, emotional and even financial crisis. Focus on going over that mental block concerning your wealth problem. Have a mind set of ruining the dilemma you have and just believe you can actually do it. Once you get over it, it will let you sleep better and eventually improve your life.

What does wealth mean to you? Wealth is not just about the amount of money we have, rather, it is more of a state of mind. It may be funny how people spend their lifetime to have abundant wealth and yet so little time enjoying it. Wealth may also be classified in other forms, like having abundant love from family or friends supplemented with good relationships.

Time mangement the ultimate oxymoron

Complimentary English lesson of the day! What is an oxymoron?

oxymoron - as defined at dictionary. com. Noun : conjoining contradictory terms (as in "deafening silence")

Can silence be deafening??? Can time be managed???

I can't think of a program that I have ever done that didn't include the oxymoron "time management" as a common problem identified by the participants attending. Since most of my work is with sales people or sales managers I thought I might take a moment and address the issue of time management as it relates specifically to those functions. There are many strategies we can use to get control of the time we have, here are a couple of ideas that might help you.

First, let's define the problem and identify that "time management" is really a symptom of the inability to manage and set priorities. No one yet (to my knowledge, call me if you know the secret!) has found a way to manage time. We cannot control the hands on the clock or when the sun rises and sets. We can only manage and control what we do with our time. So, the real issue is not managing time but managing what we do with the time we have, making sure that we spend it on the most important priorities.

Second, you must understand and be willing to accept the fact that there will never be a day when you get everything done (except of course the day you die!). Until you are willing to accept that reality that you will be constantly frustrated by your inability to get everything done. More important, however, is that thinking you can get everything done will cause you to make promises of delivery (goods, services, favors or other deliverables) that are unrealistic. Let's make sure we are thinking correctly about the problem or we're doomed to repeat it.

If you understand that you can't get everything done, then you must decide what needs to get done and what can be put off (for later, or forever!). Everyday you need to make a list of what needs to get done and then take a minute and prioritize your list. For many sales people a good way to prioritize is getting into the habit of identifying and doing things that have the "highest likelihood of making you money or losing you money". These tasks are often referred to as "money tasks", and are often the most stressful tasks on the list (see post "clean out your locker", 9/24). Particularly, if you are a commissioned based sales person, this will have a great impact on your earning potential and keep you focused on the right tasks. I'm confident that using the "money call" rule will make you more money, try it!

In the following months we'll add some other priority management techniques that will help you get better control of your time. For now, set your priorities on doing the things that affect your "pocket book" and I'll bet you'll feel better about how you use your time!

Applying for merchant services account the easy way

Before applying for a merchant services account, it's important to research the various merchant account providers to avoid paying too much or signing with an unscrupulous company.

In applying for a merchant account service, consider prices, integrity and customer service.

• Merchant account rates and fees

Be sure you understand all of the rates and fees charged by a merchant account provider. The usual charges include monthly fees, discount rates, transaction fees, application fee, equipment and installation fee.

Monthly fees are usually around $25, though that may vary according on whether you meet your minimum monthly transactions. Discount rates are a percentage taken from a sale that the merchant pays to cover the transaction costs and the risk involved. The usual discount rate is 1.5% to 3.5%.

The transaction fee is a flat fee charged for each transaction, generally anywhere from 20 cents to $1.00. The application fee, if there is one (some merchant account providers don’t charge them), is the fee to open the merchant account.

The equipment and installation fee covers the cost of software installation. It can be free, or it could cost as much as $1,200 or more, depending on whether the processing is batch or real-time. The cost for POS terminals depends on the model you purchase but can range from $500 to $1,500.

• Choose only reputable merchant account services

You should consider the reputation of the merchant account service.

What to look for when searching for a merchant account:

• Beware of merchant service providers who have misleading ads offering things like "free merchant accounts" or "lowest prices guaranteed." Read the fine print on the website to find out what they really offer.

• It’s a bad sign when every call you make to the company is answered by a machine.

• Beware of merchant account services that make use of free domain or free web hosting services. If they can't afford a domain name, how are they in business?

• Be careful of providers who can't answer your questions.

• Avoid merchant account sites that don't post rates and fees on their web site.

• Use the Internet to find reviews of merchant account companies and take note of all unsatisfactory remarks

• Make absolutely sure that your chosen merchant account service provides reliable customer service.


Making Connections through MySpace

MySpace is an online community focused on helping individuals to make new friends or reconnect with old friends. With this type of goal in mind it is not surprising that the vast majority of MySpace members use the community to make connections with other members. This may include staying in touch with old friends and family members, reconnecting with lost friends, making business connections or even meeting romantic partners. This article will discuss how all of these opportunities are available on the MySpace community.

Keeping in Touch with Friends and Family

MySpace can be an excellent way for friends and family members to stay in touch. Encouraging friends and family members to join MySpace with you can help you to stay in better contact with these individuals. Communicating through MySpace is a lot of fun and gives users the ability to post pictures, audio files and video files in addition to personal information presented in a blog. Members can leave comments for each other or just stay in touch by reading each others websites and posting personal information on their own websites for others to read.

Reconnecting with Lost Friends

Overtime we all lose contact with some of our old friends. Whether this is a trusted friend who was with you through the trying times in high school, a companion who helped you make it through college or even an acquaintance you met in passing at a bus stop MySpace can help you to reconnect to these old friends.

One passive way to reconnect with lost friends is to simply create your own MySpace website and wait for these lost friends to contact you. This may not always happen but it is possible. MySpace is an extensive community with members all around the world and it is very possible your old friend may see you on MySpace and contact you. Also, if you create a blog entry expressing an interest in reconnecting with an individual, your blog may be seen by someone who knows your lost friend and passes along the message.

Another way to find lost friends on MySpace is to use the search feature. The simplest way to search for someone is by using their full name. However, not all members post their full name. Other methods of finding an individual include entering their nickname into the search feature or entering keywords related to their favorite hobbies, books, movies or entertainers. This method may require a great deal of research and may be quite time consuming but it can help you find your lost friend if they have a website on MySpace.

Making Business Connections

MySpace can also be used to make business connections. The search feature can be used to find others who share your business interests, dreams and goals. Once you find these individuals you can engage them in conversation by sending an email or instant message or by leaving a comment on their website. These connections may lead to potential business relationships but they may also simply be networking opportunities which allow those interested in certain business aspects to converse with others who share this interest.

Meeting Romantic Partners

Finally, a large portion of those who are using MySpace are hoping to make a romantic connection. MySpace is an online community which enables users to post photos and information about themselves for other members of the community to view. This effectively makes MySpace very similar to a dating service. There is also a space for users to enter information regarding whether or not they are single or looking for a romantic interest. Those who are looking for romance can spend time searching for others who they find physically attractive, share their interests and are also seeking romantic companionship. These MySpace members can contact each other through emails, instant messages or through comments left for each other on the websites. A courting relationship online can progress to an offline relationship or can remain online depending on the wants and intentions of the partners.


Word count 671

Bird feeder believed to attract more than birds

Just as the name implies, a bird feeder is a device that is placed outdoors for the purpose of dispensing food to birds. The ultimate success of a bird feeder is determined by it’s placement, the types of seeds provided and the design of the feeder itself.

To begin with, a bird feeder must be large enough to accommodate the nearby species. Birds need to be able to get to the seeds easily if they are to continue to use the bird feeder. In addition, the feeder should be placed somewhere convenient and easily accessible. Most bird feeders are located in a tree that birds are known to frequent.

The type of bird that you wish to attract will ultimately determine the type of food that you supply in the bird feeder. For example, while most food is made in the form of seeds, hummingbirds prefer liquid nourishment. This is a very important distinction as bird feeders are created for birdwatching and, without the proper food, there may not be any birds to watch.

Many people around the world enjoy birdwatching and some even record their experiences on video. Some individuals use webcams, while others use a regular camcorder to capture their birds on film. Don’t be surprised, however, if you happen to capture a squirrel on video. These little creatures are famous for helping themselves to the contents of a bird feeder and not even so much to eat the food, but rather to carry it away and store it elsewhere. There are, however, a number of bird feeder manufacturers that create their products with the hope of deterring squirrels from swiping all of the seeds. This may include a collapsible bird feeder if anything heavier than a bird should begin to feed or one that provides a slight shock or spins to throw the squirrel a short distance away.

A bird feeder is easy to find at any retail or online store, but the many choices available may make the decision a difficult one. Ultimately, the size of the feeder and it’s design will be the most important consideration.

Often, the most effective way of keeping a squirrel away from a bird feeder is to set out a squirrel feeder. Corn and berries are among the foods that may interest a squirrel and may keep him/her occupied so as to not disturb the bird feeder. These creatures, themselves, can add quite a lot of amusement and birds may find themselves sharing the spotlight as many birdwatchers turn toward watching squirrels, as well.

Custom blinds

If you are the owner of a home, there are custom blinds that can be designed to fit the size of any doors or windows you have. Many people use standard blinds for their windows and doors, and it will often give their home a bland look that is similar to other houses. Changing the type of blinds you use on your windows or doors can bring a spark of life to your home, and can also serve as excellent decorations. When many people decorate their homes, they spend little time thinking about the type of blinds they'd like to use. There are a wide variety of different styles available that can match the look of your kitchen, bathroom, or living room.

One thing that you can add to your blinds is custom artwork. For example, if you're a fan of baseball, you could have custom blinds made which features you favorite baseball star. Or if you enjoy cats, you could have the image of a cat painted onto your custom blinds. The only limit to the design you choose is your own imagination. Many custom blinds are handpainted by professional artists. There are also a number of different materials that you can use for blinds. While many people choose to stick with plastic blinds, it is possible to purchase blinds which are made from fine wood. While wooden blinds tend to be more expensive than those made from plastic, they are much more durable, and will not bend when somone handles them.

Even if you are on a budget, it is possible for you to purchase custom blinds for an affordable price. There are a number of companies who sell 2" wooden blinds that come in a limited number of styles. While you won't have the choices that you will have with more expensive brands, these products will have a quality that is much higher than standard plastic blinds. When you are looking for a company to buy from, it is important to make sure they are reputable. You should only purchase blinds from reputable companies that have years of experience.

One popular material that is used for custom blinds is fauxwood. Fauxwood is high in quality, and is much cheaper than other custom wood blinds. Many can be purchased in either L-Frame or Z-Frame format. Fauxwood blinds or shutters can be cleaned easily with a damp sponge, and owners don't have to worry about damaging the satin. Any company that you purchase custom blinds from should offer you a limited or unlimited warranty, and the blinds should be easy to install. All the necessary hardware should be included in the package, and if the blinds are shipped to your home, you shouldn't have to pay excessive shipping fees.

In addition to wood, it is also possible to purchase custom blinds that are made out of materials such as aluminum. These blinds will retain their beauty and strength for many years, and they are much easier to clean and care for than plastic or wooden blinds. Aluminum blinds can also come in a number of different colors.

Get more results from promotional products

In today's high-competitive market, it is hard for businesses to attract potential customers. Promotional products offer a unique opportunity to spread your company's name to your niche, and stay there for a while.

The promotional items you select are limited only by your own imagination. They range from market-proven goods such as T-Shirts, Pens and Planners to innovative items such as Soap Films, Stress Relievers, Pill Boxes, Medical Spoons, CD/DVD Cases, Lunch Bags and Car Plates, all bearing your logo and company information. Statistically, over 500,000 different products could be used as promotional items.

There is a promotional product for every event, campaign, or celebration in your business. But, no matter what promotional products you choice... make sure you maximize your investment to get more results. Here its some occasions to use these marketing resources and what type of product use.

Advertise your products and services -

Promotional products are excellent to promote your products or services at trade shows relative to your industry, but you may also consider those trade shows, events and appointments that are not related to your company.

BRENDA BIERI, DDS - Dr. Bieri realized that a simple advertising tool such as the stock molar-shaped tooth magnet would be an excellent reminder and help advertise her clinic. She realized that participating in the "Career Day Event" at the local Middle School as a volunteer, and giving away a molar-shaped to each student, they will appreciate her consideration! God knows our community helpers rarely have the money to spend on goodwill tokens! This community advertising produced excellent results to her practice.

Promote goodwill -

If you are involved in your community and you do exhibit at the community trade shows, expos, health fairs, community service events, fundraising events, etc, you need to provide your audience with a tangible reminder that you were there for the good of the community. Promotional products like pens, magnetic calendars or post-it-notes could do a great job for you in such cases.

Build store traffic -

Building store traffic is something cannot be achieved in one day. Building store traffic is a daily task to be performed, and where each event, show, social or community program counts in building a store traffic efficiently and inexpensive. Whatever is the event you participate, bring something interesting for your audience that they will not only hang onto, but also carry out home or office.

Grand Opening and Anniversary Celebration -

Grand Opening or Anniversary Celebration is present in every community. At your celebration, not only you must properly bring the attention of prospects, but also get them inside your business. Once inside, take this opportunity to give them something to carry out home, so they can remember you later. Celebrating opening is a way to show people you intent to stay in their community for a while. Refrigerator magnets, pencils, erasers, beach balls, and jar openers are good promotional items for such events.

Build Customer Loyalty -

In this competitive market we all live today, the price to pay for getting a customer is high. To keep a happy returning customer is a top priority for every one of your staff. If you have customers to recognize for being with you for several years, personalized promotional products could make the trick to reminder your customer how important is for your business. Desk clocks, high-value pens, jackets and others personalized promotional products could do a good work for you.

Incentives for Safety and Incentive Programs -

Have your employees kept your company injury-free for a while? Does your driver have kept good records thru the year driving your company's trucks? Consider one of our hundreds of reward and incentive program products to recognize their effort. Personalized mantel clocks, caps or executive travel bags are great for these special occasions.

Promote your Company's Website -

Getting your website online is easy. Driving customers and prospects to your site is different. Beside many options to promote your website online, you may also work to promote your site offline. First at all, don't miss a single piece of paper leaving your office without your complete web address, and yes, this includes business cards, envelopes, letterheads, catalogs, brochures, etc. You should also use a direct mailing to customers to promote your new site. Magnet mailers are extraordinary products to create a dynamic direct mailing, which includes a small magnet to keep close at hand for getting in touch when they need.

There are more interesting articles about Promotional Items at Action Printing, Inc website.

Learning how to play golf

Anyone who is considering golf training will be happy to know that there are plenty of ways to learn how to play the game. Every way from the golf course to the internet, the video store and even the classroom will prove to be beneficial for those wanting to learn how to play the great game of golf. Prices will vary depending on the type of training method that is chosen, but can often be quite affordable. This is especially true of those who opt for learning at home through the use of videos or internet lessons. A professional golf trainer, however, will likely be the most expensive way to learn but will provide a hands-on experience that none of the aforementioned options can.

If you choose to hire a golf instructor, you will probably want to hire someone who has a lot of experience in either teaching or playing golf. Or, if possible, find someone who has done both. During this training, you will begin to learn the various names for clubs and how each one is used. In the beginning, golf may seem intimidating because of the number of clubs and situations that determine each one’s use. But, after a few lessons, you will be more familiar with the game and how to play it. Patience is the key to learning anything new and golf is no different.

Even prior to hiring an instructor, some new golf players may decide to learn some basics of the game before beginning the actual lessons. This can be accomplished by either purchasing books, videos or doing some research online. Either of these methods should provide an introduction to clubs and their use, the proper way to grip and swing. With this information, any new golfer will enter their learning phase with added confidence and will impress their instructor by how much they already know. Not to mention, anything that you can learn beforehand may end up saving you some money on the actual lessons.

With that being said, it’s important to know that there is nothing wrong with taking golf lessons if you are a true beginner. Even if you have never held a club before or if you think a club is the symbol found in a deck of cards, fear not. Golf instructors are there to help you to learn from scratch if that’s what you need. During your lessons, it will always be a good idea to have access to a set of golf clubs and possibly even practice a little in between lessons.

Many golf instructors work one-on-one with their students, while others prefer to educate to a group of individuals. Those who prefer to learn as much as possible, but without doing so with hands-on training may opt for online lessons. The only drawback is that this method does not provide actual practice, which can be sought separately by the learner. Friends and family can often provide valuable insight in helping one to learning how to play golf without professional instruction.

Quick guide to accepting payments online

There are many ways of accepting payments online, some are easier, some more expensive, and some which offer ways to take online payments, and pay affiliates without tracking them yourself.

Accepting payments online can be a minefield and as the amount of online payment processors grows, the choice becomes more difficult as to which online payment processor to use. Here we weigh up the pros and cons of 3 of the top online payment processors.

One of the biggest and most widely accepted ways of accepting payment online is to use Paypal. Anyone who has used Ebay is likely to have already come accross Paypal even if they haven't signed up for an account. Paypal allows the online merchant to accept instant payments from customers either directly from the customers Paypal funds or from a credit card. This combined with its high profile, and use by Ebay makes it a useful payment processor to the new marketer online.

Paypal also gives you easy ways to create buttons and sales links to sell your products, and in the case of digital or downloadable products can be set to send a customer straight to the download page so your delivery work is done automatically. The thing to bear in mind is the fees associated with Paypal, as they take a percentage of every sale paid through them. The fees can soon add up and knock a hole in your profits.

Another favourite payment processor with online marketers is ClickBank. com who also accept credit cards on your behalf.

Clickbank is preferred to Paypal by some vendors due to its built in affiliate program which also has many affiliates searching for products to sell for commissions.

Clickbank makes it easy to setup an affiliate program and pays your affiliates for you directly, and can also offer the instant downloads the same as Paypal. As it already has a huge army of affiliates and people making search scripts to find products in the Clickbank marketplace it seems to be the answer to all your online sales needs, but unfortunately Clickbank have made it difficult to sell more than one product, so you need another account each time you want to sell something, or all your products on one page for affiliates to send their potential clients to.

Another thing in Clickbanks favour is that they have recently started allowing payment from Paypal, so that makes the payment options more varied for your customers, and affiliate customers.

Clickbanks one drawback is that you can only sell digital products through its system, so if you want to sell physical products such as books etc. then you need to look elsewhere.

Another option is to use an online credit card processor such as 2 Checkout (AKA 2CO) which offers the user the ability to accept all kinds of credit cards, and is able to be "plugged into" many shopping cart scripts for use on websites. Although it offers no affiliate program itself, 2Checkout doesn't stop you using multi level affiliate scripts, unlike Paypal, and Clickbank which are limited in this respect. Where 2Checkout doesn't compare so favourably is in the fees charged for each transaction, but you do only pay a one off fee to get an account unlike most credit card processors which charge fees and a monthly or yearly membership fee.

These are just some of the choices available to the online marketer who wants to accept payments online, all have pros and cons, but you need to look at what you want to do, and choose one or two of these services to start selling your products online. Use the one which best fits your business model, and budget, you can always look at other ways to accept payment later, but these will get you started.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Tips for the first time atv buyer

Tips for the First Time ATV Buyer

If you are considering purchasing an ATV, you should be aware that they are a big investment. Aside form the initial cost that can run from a few hundred dollars for an older used model to $5,000 or more, you also have top maintain your ATV just like your car. They require oil, gas, and eventually you will have to replace broken parts.

Buying an ATV is not a decision to be taken lightly, and you must consider your needs to determine which ATV is right for you. If you are a beginner, you should start with an inexpensive simple model that will give you practice riding. After you are comfortable, you can upgrade to a more advanced model. You will also need safety gear such as a helmet, gloves, and goggles. Some accessories are not necessary for the casual rider such as winches, unless you plan on using your ATV for work purposes.

Before you buy your ATV, think about what you want out of your ATV experience. You may want to ride for fun, to experience the outdoors and be a part of the excitement. You may want to use your ATV to haul things or help with other work such as plowing snow. You may find that your ATV can be both fun and useful. The reason you are purchasing your ATV should be the deciding factor in which type you buy. If you want it for fun, a light model without all the accessories will be fine. If you want it for work purposes, you should look into getting the accessories you need such as a winch, plow, and hitch. You will also be better off going with a heavier model that is designed for work.

The type of engine you want in your ATV is also decided by your purpose. A 2-stroke engine takes a mix of oil and gas and is better fit for riding for fun. A 4-stroke engine is better suited as a work horse. You will also have to decide which type of transmission you want, an automatic or manual. ATV's with an automatic transmission are easier to drive just like automatic cars.

If you have experience driving a manual transmission, you may prefer the control that a manual transmission offers. You can also get a semi-automatic transmission, which is a cross between the two. You can get advice on which type is best for you from your ATV dealership or online.

You will also have to decide which type of starter you want. Some ATV's have an electric start, some have a kick start, and some have a pill start. While this is not the most important factor in choosing an ATV, it can make a difference. If you prefer ease of use, an electric push button start is best for you. With a kick start you have to push a lever with your foot located on the bottom of your ATV.

A pull start operates the same way as a lawnmower where you pull a cord to start you ATV. You should do plenty of research before deciding and be sure to get an ATV that fits your needs.

The source of course

Writing “net friendly” articles does not mean we can automatically leave out any mention of our sources. There is a tendency for many writers to simply write their material and not cite their sources, particularly when it is obvious that a source has been quoted somewhere within the body of the article.

Generally, what I do when it comes time to mentioning sources for an internet article, I attempt to first find that information on the internet and, if it is there, I simply provide anchor links in my article back to that source. In addition, I try to link directly to the page where the information is listed instead of pointing someone to the site’s index page. Why make it difficult for your readers to find out exactly where you obtained your information? Take them directly to the source, of course!

Other than that, I add the customary and appropriate resource information in my footers [or endnotes as some would call them] at the end of the article. Some may disagree with my methodology particularly with my anchor link citations, but it appears to be the best way to cite sources in this information age.

Remember: flexibility is the key when writing for the internet, but not at the point of failing to cite the appropriate sources when it is necessary to do so.

Disposable credit card numbers

Disposable diapers, disposable cameras - and now… disposable credit card numbers? They’re actually referred to within the industry as virtual credit card numbers, and are currently being offered through most major credit card issuers.

Virtual credit card numbers are single-use numbers that expire within a month or two of issue, and are used for shopping online in place of the number that’s actually on your credit card. What’s the point? The number is only good at the one web site where you make your purchase, and only for a limit period of time - so if hackers have obtained your credit card number during an online transaction, the next time they go to use it, it will not work.

When a customer receives their credit card statement after shopping with virtual credit card numbers, the purchases show up on the statement exactly like any other purchase. Some card issuers will provide the virtual number used to make the purchase along side the charge, for reference purposes.

Why Virtual Credit Card Numbers?

One of the main reasons why some people choose not to shop online is because of their fear of credit card theft and identity fraud. The potential for personal information to be found online is a real concern - and is proven by a survey in September 2002, where over 7 percent of online shoppers surveyed claimed to be victims of credit card fraud.

Even though almost all credit card issuers promise a zero liability policy for unauthorized charges and online purchases, consumers are still concerned because of the potential for further damage. Sometimes it is difficult to get errors removed from a credit report, for example, even after being the victim of identity theft. Using virtual credit card numbers can eliminate the potential for hackers to use the card data to make purchases and discover more information about a consumer.

Disadvantages of Virtual Credit Card Numbers

While virtual credit card numbers offer many advantages over shopping online with your regular credit card number, there are also some instances when using a virtual card number has disadvantages.

When you purchase theater tickets or airline, hotel or rental car reservations with a credit card number online, you are supposed to provide that credit card when you go to pick up your tickets or when you check into the hotel or get your rental car. If you’ve used a virtual number, you won’t have the ability to hand the clerk the credit card with a matching card number.

Recurring expenses are also a hassle using a virtual credit card number. By the time the next purchase period comes around, your number is likely to have expired.

Take Precautions Against Identity Theft & Fraud

You can take some precautions to help minimize your potential to be a victim of online fraud due to shopping online - with or without having a virtual credit card number.

Before making a purchase, make sure the website uses a secure or encrypted site to handle the transaction of your payment information. Most sites use the SSL (secure socket layer), and is recognized easily by a url beginning with ‘https’ instead of ‘http’, and often by a little locket symbol on the screen.

Always monitor your credit card statement and make sure all transactions were authorized. If you suspect there is a problem, contact your credit card company immediately.

Use a paper shredder to destroy credit statements, pre-approved credit card others, bills and anything else containing personal information before you throw them away. While many identity thieves are high-tech and use the internet to find their victims - some still dive into dumpsters to get their information!

Benefits of digital linear tape drives

In our world where data is power, large companies put a high priority on their data back-up and data storage. Unfortunately, this kind of data storage is typically very expensive and impractical for the small home PC user. Luckily, with the introduction of two new formats of digital storage that are now available, there is a solution. With the DLT or Digital Linear Tape and the LTO or Linear Tape Open, the need for data storage has far exceeded past levels (as compared to previous had 8mm or DDS backups).

1. Recent Boost In Performance

The Digital Linear Tape or DLT systems have been available for use to everyone since 1985, and recent increases in both speed and capacity has given this technology a new lease on life. In fact, they have been the leading technology in the past several years for small to medium-sized systems. The only competitors for DLT were DDS or DAT tapes. The advantage of DLT tapes above these two leading competitors is that the tape heads had a tendency to drift that meant technicians had to constantly monitor them to ensure storage. Unlike DLT reliability that is based on a straight up and down recording mode.

2. Super DLT

A newer version with higher capacity and improved features is called Super DLT (SDLT). Super DLT uses a new recording format, but it also maintains a limited form of backwards compatibility with previous iterations of DLT. It incorporates the ability to read older tapes, although it cannot write to them. This means it would probably be quite useful in allowing organizations to maintain their present archives in a useable form. This would mean that there can be a very big saving both in time and money for companies because older tapes don't have to be re-recorded onto newer ones.

4. Tremendous Boost In Speed And Capacity

With the introduction of Super DLT earlier this year, the capacity has soared as much as 110 gigabytes on one cartridge, at a speed of 10 megabytes per second. A tremendous boost in performance was seen with the speed of backup doubled, and capacity more than doubled, the technology is now capable to handle large systems and networks that DLT previously couldn't handle. Competing technologies can offer very fast backups, but the tapes themselves contain very little data - hundreds of megabytes as opposed to the hundreds of gigabytes that DLT offers.

5. Linear Tape Open

Another technology that has recently emerged that is comparable, if not a bit more advanced than DLT is LTO or Linear Tape Open. A consortium product from Seagate, IBM and Hewlett-Packard. LTO can put 100 gigabytes on a cartridge and can store data at speeds up to 15 megabytes per second. But there are a lot who still prefer to use the more known and reliable Super DLT. There are very cautious system administrators who don't wish to try LTO, one technician even said that DLT is a more than acceptable choice: Thirty million cartridges and a million tape drives can't be wrong. Of course, LTO can’t be totally neglected. Of course, Super DLT uses a good deal of new technology as well, so even though LTO is a completely new technology, it has able to pave a nice pathway for it that may help establish itself for future preference.

6. Long Life

These kinds of storage media are guaranteed to last for 30 years of data retention under very specific environmental conditions; however, mishandling can easily damage these storage devices for example, dropping or improper packaging during shipment may easily damage or destroy the device’s capability to store data properly. With today's ever increasing demands for storage capacity because of our need to protect and store our data, it is possible that there is going to be more pressure on hardware developers to produce a lot more faster and bigger storage and backup devices to back up, store, protect and retrieve important data be it business or personal. Now both medium and small size users are given a choice: Super DLT, based on generations of thorough development and refinement, or LTO, a new technology from a high-powered and stable group of advance technological companies.


How to choose the cat breed that works for you

If dog is man's best friend, then cats are a man's caprice.

Aside from being expensive, purebred cats are difficult to care for as they require their owner's love and attention. Cats are like babies, because they need to be fed, sometimes bathed, combed, played with and cared for.

Cats are best bought from responsible cat breeders. Hobbyists choose to own purebred cats because their temperaments are more predictable than cats with unknown pedigrees.

If you are getting a cat from a cat breeder, ask him about the number of cat breeds that he has so you can choose from them. Also, ask him how many years he has been breeding cats and whether he can give you a health guarantee and complete papers for the cat.

Top cat breeds

If you want to show off your cat then it is best to choose from among the top five cat breeds throughout the world.

1. Persian-Persian cats are called Persian for their country of origin. Persians have a long coat, sweet personality and have the ability to blend into the household. These are the qualities that made Persians one of the top choices of cat lovers. However, its long coat requires daily combing to avoid tangles.

2. Maine Coon-These are long-haired cats with good mouse hunting skills. These cats are good companions for children.

3. Exotic-This breed can offer you the better of two worlds. The Exotic cat has the look of a Persian cat, but it has short hair, making it easy to groom. They look like teddy bears with their thick and short coats. These cats are sweet and good companions like the Persians.

4. Siamese-Siamese cats originally came from Siam or Thailand. This cat possesses an aristocratic head, looks almost like a deer because of it’s stiff ears, and has a short coat. Siamese cats have long bodies, long legs and long necks.

5. Abyssinian-These cats are very elegant-looking, much like the cats portrayed in Egyptian sculptures. Abyssinia is the former name of Ethiopia. However, Abyssinian cats did not originate in Ethiopia. They got the name because the first cats of Abyssinian breed, which were exhibited in England, were from Abyssinia.

No matter what your choice of a cat breed is, make sure that your cat is healthy and that it has already been weaned. The ideal age to get a kitten is about 14 weeks, when their immune systems are already developed.

Types of lawn mower batteries

Lawn mower Batteries Take Care Of Your Work Care for Them

This article describes the type of lawn mower batteries and the way you should care for them. The article details the systematic approach for your lawnmower batteries to make them long lasting.

Why Did You Choose Battery Operated Lawnmower

You have chosen a battery operated lawn mower, as you did not wish mess with fuel requirement, noise and the pollution from your gasoline-operated lawnmower. You did not choose the electric one with the long cord that you be a safety hazard for you and your family member. The battery operated lawnmower will be suitable for areas under 1 acre.

Types of Lawnmower Batteries

Lawnmower batteries are rechargeable batteries working on the principle of chemical generation and storage of electricity. These batteries have been in existence for a long time now and new maintenance free nickel cadmium batteries have come up with advantage over lead acid batteries used for long time in automotives. The types of batteries are,

Alkaline batteries: Used for small capacity portable electric devices. Not used in lawnmowers.

Lead acid batteries: Used in lawnmowers and cars, they are slowly being replaced Nickel cadmium batteries

Nickel cadmium batteries: This is a new type of low maintenance battery. It is replacing lead acid battery nearly everywhere.

Lithium and other types: Presently not used in lawnmowers due to high cost and its storage capacity is low.

Details of Batteries Used In Lawnmowers

As is already said only two types of batteries are used in lawnmowers, the lead acid battery and the nickel cadmium (Ni-Cad for short). The Ni-Cad batteries are better in performance and are environment friendly. The lead acid batteries have to be recycled. They cannot be dumped in garbage. The lead is a dangerous chemical causing lead poisoning. For this reason when you replace the lead acid battery, it has to be taken back to the dealer.

Best time to go to disney world

When deciding on the best time for you and your family to visit Disney World, the main issue is usually the crowds. When visiting any major theme park, you are going to experience large crowds; And since Disney World is the most popular theme park in the world, there is hardly a day at the park without large crowds. If you do your research, you can find certain times of the year, January and September for example, that are less busy at Disney World. Even though you may enjoy shorter lines during these times, there are downsides to going at these less busy times of the year. For one, Disney has more festivities planned during certain times of the year like Christmas and New Years. For many people, it is worth fighting the crowds to be at Disney World during these times of major festivities.

Crowds are not the only factor when deciding on the best time to visit Disney World. It is also a good idea to take the weather into account. Many people assume that any time of the year is perfect weather in Florida but that is definitely not the case. The summer time can bring extreme heat and severe thunderstorms to the Orlando area that can ruin your day at Disney World. The brief showers are usually a great time to go inside and take a break. Some of the best weather at Disney World comes in the evening with mild temperatures so make sure to rest up during the day so you’re ready to go out at night.

Other tips to keep in mind when planning a trip to Disney World:

- If you are ok with taking your kids out of school for a trip, do it! Any time other kids are at school is a great time to go to Disney World because you can expect smaller crowds and shorter lines

- Keep a close eye on park opening and closing times so you can take advantage of late nights and early starts

- Two weeks after the Thanksgiving holiday is a great time to go to Disney World because the crowds are minimal and the Christmas decorations are already up.

So when is the best time to go to Disney World? When it’s called the happiest place on Earth, every day of the year is the best time to go.

Refinance with bad credit

If you have bad credit and believe you are out of luck when it comes to refinancing or purchasing a new home, you may want to reconsider your options.

Just because you have bad credit, it does not mean you will be unable to get a loan, nor does it mean that you are at the mercy of the mortgage companies. You are not.

The mortgage industry is a very diverse one with literally thousands of lenders across the country that just might offer a program that fits your needs.

These lenders that offer programs to consumers with poor credit are known as wholesale lenders.

Wholesale lenders work directly with mortgage brokers, whose job it is to assist you in finding a mortgage lender regardless of your credit score.

It is also the responsibility of the mortgage broker to counsel and educate you through the entire mortgage process.

If you decide that you do not want to do the shopping around yourself, than you should seriously consider finding a mortgage broker to help you. They have relationships with hundreds of wholesale lenders, and they will work to find a program that fits your needs.

Keep in mind, brokers are paid on commission, so it is just as important to them as it is to you to get to the closing table.

A good place to start for tracking down a mortgage broker is the internet. Contact a few brokers, allow for them to assess your situation, than work with the one that best fits your needs and budget. Best of luck.

Get a web canvasser for web development

A web site only gets high rank, if visitors visit the particular web site again and again. Here the repeated and copied sites just down in the level of ranking. With SEO Delhi e-fuzion a web site can easily reached in a higher place. It is particularly based on new creativity along with new excitements. Search engine optimization process is differ with each other in this process links with SEO (search engine optimization0, SEM (search engine marketing), PPC (pay per click) etc. It is fact that large number of people who uses internet through uses out the world and do not have good knowledge in SEO. But here the SEO Delhi company e-fuzion offers different processes to provide a good ranking in the Google the top most search engine. Search engine process is totally depends on good content with creativity. Web masters optimizes the web sites with using common terms and phrases with respect to their web sites and they either follow the United Kingdoms English and International English and searching process optimizes the sites accordingly. It uses the vibrant color of spelling to make the site more eyes catching. For getting good site ranking the web site just need to add some creativity. If the site includes ant repeated words or copied from any where. Searching process just play the role of investigator in the online marketing. As a investigator searches bad activities like that SEO Delhi company e-fuzion searches the words of the content is they are repeated or not. If they are not repeated then these searching processes provide a good position. The SEO is totally depends on the good probability. It makes life web sites life easier by which it makes a blooming path. The SEO Delhi company e-fuzion provides all the facilities to the web site development and also makes it more profitable.

From the above discussion we just come to know that SEO Delhi company e-fuzion always brings an inner happiness by providing a good ranking to a particular web site. Which just uses some key words? And the most important point some people mask the misspelled words that are they uses in the same color of the text as their page color hence not visible to human but can crawl by search engine Process. A searching process always develops only by search marketing process, and for promoting a site SEM also plays a vital role.

Don 8217 t be confuse

SEO service Delhi (e-fuzion) have been finalized it is now time to start using them to optimize the site. Once the title and Meta tags of the site have been optimized its time to start with optimizing the content of the site with key words. Body may consist of headings, pictures, tables, frames, forms and of text paragraphs. Therefore, we an include key words and key phrases with in. In case of tables, frames, forms it can include keywords and key phrases in their respective headings. One thing to consider is that key words and key phrases must be included in descending order of their importance. It is recommended that at least four or five informative paragraphs should be included on each page totaling to at least 100-250 or above words. SEO Services Delhi (e-fuzion) includes targeted key words and key phases in the first paragraph of the body text since some search engines access the first few lines of web page to show as description in the search resulting. Key words and key phases used in different part of the web page body text is a very important method of search engine optimization (SEO). As search engines boost the search result listing on the basis of key words and key phrases included in domain name, URLs of directory pages, Page directory, anchor tags, Alt tags etc. There fore, SEO Services Delhi (e-fuzion) safely say that one of the main components of search engine optimization.
It is also used to describe the contents of the picture or graphic while down loading that image or picture or while moving on to other page. Some time, alt tag is also used to describe the contents of the image when the browser is using graphic-off mode. Although only SEO Services Delhi (e-fuzion) uses this factor to boost page rank but it is advisable to use comment tags with key words to organize page content which helps in easy editing and review.

Using your credit card for foreign purchases

One of the major advertised benefits of applying for and having a credit card is the fact that they are accepted at millions of outlets all round the world. But, are there any major issues you need to be considering when using your credit for foreign purchases? The following are some that you may wish to consider:

Lost, stolen and fraudulent use

Certain credit card issuers have varying policies with respect to any lost, stolen or fraudulent use of you credit card for foreign purchases. It is, therefore, vital that you review your credit card agreement to see how this may affect you with respect to any purchases you make overseas.

Refund policy

Ordinarily, when using your credit card in your home country, your credit card issuer will provide you with free insurance if the item you purchase from a retailer is in any way defective or gets broken. However, when you make a foreign purchase this could change – i. e. you may no longer be entitled to this refund policy. Likewise, any lowest purchase price insurance, where you are basically guaranteed you’ll pay the lowest price in the market for a product, will almost certainly not apply in the case of using your credit card for foreign purchases.

The principal reason why these policies are normally exempt is because these have been negotiated with retailer in your home country – and each countries agreement with the card issuer is different.

Add extras on foreign purchases

If you were not already aware of it, most major credit card issuers charge retailers a fee for items purchased using their cards in the retailers’ stores. This fee can range from between 1 – 5%, depending where in the world the retailer is located. Although it may well be illegal in your home jurisdiction for retailer to pass-on this fee to you as the purchaser, this is not the case throughout the world - and it is not uncommon in some parts of the world to find that a retailer will only accept your credit card purchase if they pass on this fee.

If you are faced with this situation you will have one of two options;

(1) don’t buy the product; or

(2) purchase the product and on your return home write to your card issuer and inform them of the retailer who adopts this policy; it will then be the responsibility of your card issuer to take action against the retailer for this unauthorized action (although you’ll unlikely get a refund).


Most major credit card issuers will charge you a small fee, in percentage terms, for each of your overseas purchases using your credit card.

Exchange rate

Do not expect to find the exchange rate used in converting your foreign credit card purchases into your local currency to be the same as the bank rate. In most cases credit card companies have a spread on this.

If you are going overseas on holiday, do take your credit card with you as they are extremely useful to have - but just make sure that you check with your card issuer before you go what their policy is on your using your credit card for foreign purchases.

12 tips on how not to get a loan

Here are a few tips on how _not_ to get a loan, and underneath each one, the smart thing to do instead.

1. Ignore borrowing costs.

Examples of these are insurance schemes and prepayment penalties. Make sure you understand and are willing to pay them all. Understand your agreement before you sign, including terms and conditions.

A loan may become too expensive, with variable interest rates and fees. The total cost of your loan will depend on the annualised percentage rate (APR). The annualised percentage rate takes into account the interest amount, and all other charges.

2. Pick the first lender you think of.

Deals vary enormously, from loansharks to credit unions. Consider fully mutual building societies and credit unions, then find companies that are dedicated to loans. The first were set up to help members, and the latter's earnings come exclusively from lending money. They can offer better deals.

3. Communicate by telephone only, and don't record the name of who you spoke to.

Make sure you get the full name of the person with whom you speak, if you call your loan company. Big offices are impersonal; your loan officer could leave at any time. Write letters to keep a record of important points.

4. Take on a loan thinking "Well, I can always go bankrupt".

This is stupid. You will find it very hard to get credit of any kind in the future, when you need it badly.

5. Avoid researching the lender.

Type the name of the lender into a search engine. See if there are any negative postings about them.

6. Who cares what it'll cost you!

Think about your budget; how much can you afford each month? Then leave a portion of your monthly income aside as coverage for emergencies and unexpected bills.

7. Take your time paying it off.

No matter how cheap a loan may be, pay it off as quickly as you can to avoid interest accumulating. Try to get a loan that allows early payments; the quicker you pay back, the less interest you pay. If you extend the duration of the loan, you will have to pay much more in interest.

8. Make lots of enquiries in a short space of time.

Any more than four credit checks in one month for a personal loan looks suspect, and may affect your credit rating. When shopping for a quote, ask them if they're going to check your credit-rating, to be on the safe side. They don't need to, to give you a rough estimate.

9. Have lots of credit available to you, then ask for more.

To ensure you get the best terms, keep your credit-line as small as possible. Loan officers tend to count the total line of credit available as a liability.

10. Default or make late payments on small debts.

Not paying off that hire-purchase agreement years ago will come back to haunt you. Pay off small debts before they're due. Cancel credit cards you are not using. IMPORTANT: Keep your oldest card, for the credit history attached to it. Otherwise, consider their interest rates and fees, when deciding which ones to hold on to.

11. Sign papers without reading them.

You're anxious. You want the money _now_. Cue major upset later when you realise what's in the small print.

12. Keep quiet about repayment problems.

If you have problems with repayment, write to your lender as soon as possible. The earlier you tell them, the more sympathetic they'll be. You can then make arrangements for under-repayments until you get back on your feet.

Flexible payment mortgages

With most mortgages, your payment is the same every month. But what if your paycheck isn’t so regular? Would you like to be able to vary your mortgage payment depending on your cash flow? An option ARM -- also called a flex-ARM or pick-a-payment loan -- allows you to do just that.

How does it work?

An option ARM is an adjustable-rate mortgage with a twist. You don’t pay a set amount each month. Instead, the lender sends a monthly statement with up to four payment options. You simply choose the amount you want to pay that month and then submit your payment.

The options vary, but here’s the most common menu:

Minimum payment: This is calculated using an “initial” interest rate that can start as low as 1.25 percent. Because this payment is so low, it’s useful for months when you don’t have much cash on hand, perhaps because you are waiting for a commission or bonus check. But any unpaid interest gets deferred, or added to the principal of the loan, so your principal grows.

Interest only: You pay all the interest due, but none of the principal. This doesn’t reduce your mortgage balance, but it allows you to avoid deferring interest.

30-year amortized: This matches the monthly payment of a mortgage amortized over 30 years at your current interest rate. It includes both principal and interest.

15-year amortized: The same as above, but amortized over 15 years. This is the highest monthly payment. Choosing it allows you to reduce your principal faster than any other option.

The fine print

The biggest caveat with option ARMs is that those enticing initial rates are short-lived. The low minimum payments that make these mortgages so attractive can increase dramatically. In addition, every five years, the loan is recast -- that is, a new amortization schedule is drawn up to ensure that the remaining balance will be paid off by the end of the loan’s term. When that happens, the minimum payment can be pushed even higher.

What’s more, if you defer too much interest, you can reach what’s called negative amortization. If your balance grows to 10 percent to 25 percent (depending on state law) greater than the original principal, your loan is automatically recast and you have to start paying the fully amortized rate, which will increase your monthly payments.

Another potential downside of option ARMs is that they’re more complicated than most other mortgages. Home buyers may be seduced without fully understanding how much the minimum payments will increase over the long-term. When the monthly amounts go up, these people can experience payment shock.

To learn more about flexible payment mortgages, visit http://www. lendingtree. com/cec/yourhome/yourmortgage/open-arms. asp

There are no secrets to success

There Are No Secrets To Success

As you strive toward accomplishing your goals and dreams you
need to know that there are no secrets to success! Webster's
Dictionary defines a secret as something kept from public
knowledge; something mysterious that is beyond general
knowledge or understanding. If that were true then it would
mean success is only possible for those few who have access
to these great mysterious secrets.


You Are What You Believe! Today Is YOUR Day!

Today is the day you can decide to change your life. Change
the way you think about things and begin to make a
difference in your life.

Decide to believe your life is going to be an exciting
adventure. Decide to believe you will be a success. Decide
to believe today is going to be better than yesterday.
Decide to make a difference for someone else and you will
make a difference for yourself as well.

Decide and it will be TRUE FOR YOU!

There are no secrets to success -- because they are
available to everyone. You have to WANT to know them. You
have to LOOK for them. You have to DO something with them
once you know them. By applying the four truths I've shared
with you today, your life will change dramatically - success
will be within your grasp and you will make a difference.

Unforgettable announcement that shook the world

It has been more than a decade since the Cold War is over. Being used to the surprises of history, we need to recall some of the facts of the past in order to trace the political movements of that time and their ways to get public attention. International sporting events is a great way to attract attention to s certain issue. When the Cold War reached its peak of development, the delegation from Soviet Union boycotted the Olympic Games in Los Angeles in 1984. It was something that might happen and a direct proof was received by officials two-three weeks before the official opening. The bad news was that some other countries from the East of Europe joined the boycott. Romania was the only country to participate in the Olympic Games representing the East of Europe. Actions of Cuba that also joined the boycott also were surprising and even shocking.

Official delegation from the Soviet Union accused the US of commercialization and poor security precautions that may put athletes in danger. After careful analyses of the situation the analysts came to the conclusion that these actions are a fair response to the boycott of the Olympic Games of 1980 by American athletes. This was a protest against the invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 by Russian troops. I remember my preparation to article writing when I was tracing the details of the situation. There were only a few officials that believed in stated reason. The others didn’t believe in USSR’s explanations and supported the White House who considered all this to be another political act. The officials stated that the security level is high enough for athletes to feel comfortable. Nearly 140 athletes took part in the competition. But the overall view of the competition highlights the average level of quality of the Games. Most of the athletes that boycotted the event were the medal holders of the previous games in 1980. Therefore every Olympic Champion of 1984 feels that his title could have been taken by the other athlete if there was a chance to reduce the conflict.

The Games were quite successful, but the essence of politics being involved in every sporting event still exists, though now The Olympic Games are quite profitable an don’t have to rely on the financial aid of the government. Nowadays, same as a decade ago, countries fight over a right to hold Olympic Games. Sometimes these events are used for political gains and features. We remember the games held in Nazi Germany that were dangerously politicized and is remembered not only for outstanding results, but also for shocking accidents that took even people’s lives. Nowadays there are no major conflicts but some countries claim the Olympiad of 2008 in Beijing is another political discrimination act. Though the Olympic Committee stays categorical, the conflict will be about to appear closer to the beginning of the games. The truth is that politics and sports will be inseparable in the future though it is told that the main aim of such events is only to gain International friendship.

Costa rica your place in the sun

In Central America, just south of Nicaragua and north of Panama is Costa Rica. Costa Rica has the Caribbean Sea to the east and the Pacific Ocean on the west side. Therefore, the majority of Costa Rica's borders, sixty-five percent, are coastline.

Although a relatively small area, about the size of Vermont and New Hampshire combined, it has everything one could want in a vacation. Beautiful white sand beaches, great surf, active volcanoes, natural hot springs, and towering rain forests are just some of the sites in Costa Rica. Site seeing in the area is relatively simple via rental car or public bus.

A number of the principal mountain ranges are volcanic, and visitors can easily visit many of these areas. In the province of Cartago, for example, which is not far from the capital of San Josй, you will find Irazъ volcano, which erupted in the early sixties. Poбs volcano, located in the province of Alajuela, has one of the largest active craters in the world. In addition, Arenal volcano, in the northwestern region, delights thousands of visitors each year to a constant stream of red, hot lava rocks tumbling down its slopes.

Picturesque forests grow in the crater of the dormant Barva in Heredia. Arenal, a young volcano in the northern part of the country is constantly active (and is the site of a spa with natural hot springs). The country's highest peak, Mount Chirripу, is not volcanic; it measures 12.412 feet. On a clear day one can see both the Pacific and Atlantic oceans from atop Mt. Chirripo.

The capital of Costa Rica is San Josй and is a good starting place for exploring the country. It is conveniently located in the center of the country and all the bus lines stop here. The port of Limon on the Caribbean Coast has quite a different atmosphere from the capital. Life is easy going on the Caribbean coast compared to the city life in San Jose.

San Josй is located in the Central Valley region of the country. Evenings in San Josй can be cool do to the high altitude, but you will not forget that you are in a tropical place even in this bustling city. The city itself is busy and filed with traffic. There are many things to do, but travelers often miss these sites choosing instead to head straight from the airport to beaches or rainforests. Although San Josй is not the most beautiful city in the world, it is generally safe and has a lot to offer tourists.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Different types of work at home opportunities

Many people would love to be able to work at home, but aren’t really sure what their options are. If you’ve been trying to find a way to earn enough income while still being able to work from home, first you must figure out what type of opportunity you are looking for. Here are 4 different ways that you can work from home.

1. Telecommuting – You can have a “regular” job, with set hours. You work for an employer, and the only difference between this and the jobs that most people have is that you will be working from home. Some plusses: You have the set pay, benefits, and hours you would have working a “regular” job, and you can work at home. Minuses are that you are still working for another company, so you have set hours, and vacation time.

2. Buying a Franchise – If you are interested in a business, but don’t want to start from scratch, you can buy a franchise. You will own that particular business, and be one of many in the franchise. You will run the business and everything in it, but in return for your payments, you get the use of an established name, training, advertising, etc. Plusses: You still own your own business, but will get the benefit of help from others in the same business as you. You will also receive shared advertising. Minuses: It is your own business, so you have no set pay. You have to pay a franchise fee, and sometimes monthly or yearly royalty fees.

3. Direct Selling – This is where you join a direct sales company, such as Avon, Tupperware, Mary Kay, etc. and start to sell their products. You set your own hours, and usually there is only a small payment (if any) in order to sell for a certain direct selling company. Plusses: You can work when you want, and take whatever time off that you want. There are also others in the same situation, so you can talk to them about ideas or get help. Minuses: You have no set pay, and depending on the company, there may be many others selling the same thing you are.

4. Starting your own Business – This is when you decide to do something completely on your own. It can be almost anything, but you are not tied to another company in any way. This gives you total control as to what you do, and how you do it. Plusses: You are on your own, so you don’t have to answer to anyone. You work your own hours, take off when you want, etc. Minuses: You have no set pay. You are pretty much on your own, since this business belongs completely to you.

Decide which of these seems most interesting to you. It is a tough decision, but hopefully this gives you direction to find a good fit for your skills.

Book review of fitness kills by helen barer

Food writer, or Foodie, as they are known in the trade, Nora Franke is overfed and overwrought over a recent breakup with her long time boyfriend. "We need a break" he tells her, Nora decides that spending some time away from the bustle of New York is just the tonic she needs. Her solution is to take a temporary job as recipe consultant at a ritzy and very exclusive Spa in Baja. Nora is ecstatic, three months in a beautiful location and able to combine her love of food with the ever pressing need to shed the results of too many gourmet adventures in New York.

Life at a Health Spa is much like life on a Cruise Ship, time becomes compressed, most of the guests are only there for a week. Friendships that would normally develop over weeks or months, develop in minutes, alas also do animosities. Nora finds herself more accepted by the guests than the staff, and is quickly drawn into a group of loosely connected friends that come to the Spa every year for a few days of relaxation and reflection. This group of opulent and seemingly wealthy friends readily accepts Nora as if they have known her since kindergarten.

The setting seems idyllic for something bad to happen, and Helen Barer is just the author to do it! Helen herself is no stranger to the world of writing, she has a number of cook books to her credit, but this is her first foray into the murder mystery genre.

The first cracks in the Louis Vuitton luggage occurs the next morning when the body of Alan is found, in what appears to be a climbing accident on a nearby mountain. What Nora notices is the different reactions from the members of the group, from grief, to indifference, to maybe something more sinister. In the 50 years that the exclusive retreat has been in existence this is the first death the ranch has ever experienced, sprained ankles, and a mild heart attack from over exertion held the previous record.

There is a second death, one that can not be explained away as an accident. Now Nora is pulled into the web of deceit, what is going on, and who is responsible for these two deaths?

Nora is on the scent! She has no investigative training, just a dogged thirst to find the truth. Of course this may not be the best 'recipe' for a long life!

I liked this book a lot, I think this is a very fine first time effort, small enough at 200 pages to be a quick read, but long enough to develop the characters well. I suspect that we will be seeing more of Nora Franke in future books by Helen Barer. If you are looking for a fun and fast murder mystery I can recommend that you try Fitness Kills.

Fitness Kills is the first in a series of cozy mysteries by Helen Barer. Helen spent many years as a writer of non-fiction material, ranging from cookbooks to television documentaries. She is presently at work writing her next Nora Franke mystery.

Flying with your dog

There are many requirements that a pet owner must meet before traveling by air with a dog. While specific regulations will vary by airline, most airlines work with the same general rules when it comes to flying dogs.

Dogs Cannot Fly Alone

Every airline that was researched for this article has a rule against flying unaccompanied dogs from one point to another. Understand that dogs are considered to be cargo to the airline. You can’t send your luggage to a city somewhere across the country without going with it (only the airline can do that – insert rim shot here) and you can’t send your dog. Unaccompanied dogs must be transported by a licensed and approved pet transportation company.

Clean Bill of Health

All airlines require that a dog that will be flying with you receive a full physical examination and be tested for various diseases (most commonly rabies) before they’ll be allowed to fly. Usually the airline will require that the exam certificate be dated within a certain amount of time before the date of the flight, so the exam you had your dog undergo two years ago will not suffice for a flight you intend to take next week.

Weather Related Restrictions

The cargo hold on an airplane can become very hot. Because of this fact there are restrictions on what times of the year dogs may travel to and from certain cities. Most airlines will also enforce specifically weather and temperature related restrictions. For example, if the temperature in the arrival or departure city exceeds eighty or eighty five degrees Fahrenheit, pets will not be permitted on the plane.

Pets in the Cabin

Many airlines are now permitting the transport of pets in the cabin of the plane, provided they can fit into the in-cabin kennel cage (22” long by 9” high on most airlines). The cost for this service also varies by airline but is under $100.00 in most cases. This is a considerable improvement compared to the pets transported in the cargo hold which many consider an unsafe practice and which can cost more than $300.00 in some cases.

International Flights

The customs laws of many nations restrict the passage of dogs and other pets over their borders. Airlines must comply with these laws and in many cases your dog will not be able to join you on an international flight at all.

Volvo takes home 16 gold medals during michelin challenge

During the most recently held Michelin Challenge Bibendum 2006 done in Paris, the Volvo Car Corporation took home most of the awards that were given away. In fact, Volvo entered this competition bringing with it its environmental car program flagships as entrants. The Volvo entrants included the new Multi-Fuel prototype car, two cars that held engines which were capable of running on renewable fuels, and a car that held a clean and fuel-efficient diesel engine.

The Volvo entrants took home sixteen gold medals in total. This number is quite the highest number of gold medals that any other entrant took home in the passenger car class. According to automobile experts, this simply proves that Volvo is indeed still leading in being the car manufacturer that has the capacity to produce vehicles that hold a high level of environmental and safety performance.

During the Michelin Challenge Bibendum, all entrants and participants, which included Volvo, had to complete in seven various areas. Acceleration, braking, emissions, slalom, noise, fuel efficiency, as well as carbon dioxide emissions were these areas where Volvo competed in.

Despite the entrants being Volvo prototypes, it did not become a hindrance for the company to take home such quite a high number of gold medals. In fact, Hans Folkesson who is the previous senior vice president of research and development at Volvo, states, “We wanted to display the technology that we already offer and at the same time present our efforts for the future in the areas of the environment and safety. Volvo Car Corporation is working with several different areas of technology for sustainable mobility, something that is reflected in our broad range of environmentally adapted cars. We hope that our work will inspire politicians, government agencies, manufacturers, and distributors to improve the infrastructure for sustainable fuels so that the technology will benefit the environment and society to an increasing extent.”

Are you having romantic troubles

Are you having romantic troubles? Are you finding that your body doesn't get up and go when you want it to? Is it hard to keep an erection for a normal sex life? You may be suffering from Erectile Dysfunction and not even know it.

This website will help you find the answers to your questions. You will find a non-judgmental and knowledgeable staff that will help answer any questions you have. You can feel free to voice your concerns without fear of being ridiculed.

On the pages of our website, you will find medicines to treat Erectile Dysfunction, the best prices for discount Generic Viagra online , the best prices for discount Generic Cialis online , and listings of side effects and other problems that may occur.

Go visit our website and see the difference in getting what you need and just looking at another online site. This website has many informative pages to help you make your decision about ordering and using these medications for Erectile Dysfunction. Feel free to contact them with any questions you may have before you order so you understand how the ordering process works. On this website, you will find the end to your erectile dysfunction problem.

Buy used car

If you have decided to buy a used car than you have made a good decision, now a days buying a used car is not so stressful experience. Search online and newspaper car classified ads and car dealer’s database. This is an exact way to find your used car which you are looking for within your price range.

Gets more exposure to your used car buying by using online sites, this will help you to locate and check pricing and availability of vehicles. If you are bit confused then it’s always good to take an experts advice.

If you are buying it from auto dealer, you may decide to go with dealers arranged finance. But comparing outside loans first, ensures you get the best deal and gives you room to negotiate. Try to put as much cash down as possible this will help you to do more lower your payments as any great rate.

Before you decided to buy, know what the car is worth. Visit online sites and get a good idea of buying used cars. If you are buying it from auto dealer then ask for a detailed receipt of sales bill. Make sure that states whether the vehicle is being sold with a warranty or "as is" along with the seller's contact info.

Before buying take an advice of experts which will help you to know what's required in your state to transfer title of the car. Before you purchase your used car, read online fraud awareness tips to learn how to spot a scam.

Anna Josephs is a freelance journalist having experience of many years writing articles and news releases on various topics such as pet health, automobile and social issues. She also has great interest in poetry and paintings, hence she likes to write on these subjects as well. Currently writing for this website Best Cheap Used Car . For more details please contact at annajosephs@gmail. com

A basic traveller s kit guide

Never be caught unprepared during a trip. Plan ahead and stuff your bag with essentials things you need. The better prepared you are, the more fun you will have on the trip. Here’s a checklist of what should be inside your traveler’s kit.

*Medicine Kit

Never assume that no mishaps will happen on a trip. Even minor bruises should be taken care of. Always keep your first - aid kit handy.

Treating wounds

Bring along a roll of bandage, safety pins and scissors. Tweezers might be needed to pull out foreign materials that penetrate the skin. Bring ointments and alcohols for treating abrasions. If you are prone to allergies and itching, antihistamine medications like Benadryl should be handy.

Common medicine

Carry along medicines that you are likely to use, like aspirin for headaches, laxative for proper bowel movement and pain relievers. If you have a runny nose, buy a couple of decongestant. Dehydration and motion sickness is common when traveling, consult your doctor on which medicine is appropriate for you.

Prescription drugs

Remember to bring along whatever medication you are taking. Bring enough supply to last for the entire trip.

*Personal Hygiene Kit

This kit must include all your toiletries. This will keep you looking fresh all the time.


Bring along your toothbrush, toothpaste and dental floss. Buy a small bottled mouthwash or if you have plenty of supply left, just transfer it to a smaller container.


Carry along your favorite brush, comb and shampoo. Stuff in your hair spray, hair cream and gels if you are using one.

Personal effects

This will include your make-up kit. Remember to bring only the cosmetics that you are likely to use. Carry with you a handy mirror. You can bring your manicure set too.

Skin protection

Keep your skin healthy by putting on sunscreen and lip balm as often as you need them.

Bathroom needs

Bring along with you sets of toilet papers, soaps, towels and washcloth.

*Emergency Kit

This includes the stuff you might need like flashlights, lighters, pocket knife and duct tapes. Mobile phones are important in case of emergency, be sure to bring your charger and an extra battery.

*Leisure Kit

For added fun, you can bring along your travel journal, reading materials and the locale’s language book. Make the most out of fantastic views with your binoculars and your camera.

There is no such thing as a standard traveler’s kit. It varies upon the place and the activities you’ll do in a certain place. The above kits are basically the essentials. Be sure to keep everything checked and have a fun trip ahead!

Save memories by time-stamping photos

Back in the film days, many point-and-shoot cameras had an extremely useful feature most modern digital compacts are regrettably lacking. The feature was called Quartz or Time-Stamping depending on the manufacturer. The idea was simple and clear: time-stamp every frame with the exact date the photo was taken. While many argued that the pictures were spoiled that way, I always wished that my twenty-something year old photographs could tell me when they were taken. Alas, that was not the case twenty-something years ago. It's not the case today, either.

Back then, only a few expensive models were equipped with that useful feature. Today, all digital cameras, even the cheapest models, record the date and time each picture is taken, storing this information somewhere in the file. While you can access this information from your computer if you are persistent enough, there is no way to tell the date when and where the picture was taken after it's been printed.

Fortunately, there is a perfect solution to this issue. TimeToPhoto (http://avpsoft. com/products/timetophoto/) can time-stamp your digital pictures completely automatically by putting a camera date stamp on your photos. Better yet, unlike stamped film, it leaves the non-stamped originals intact, satisfying the purists as well as the rest of us.

The fully automatic operation is possible as TimeToPhoto is able to access the hidden information about your digital pictures that is stored in EXIF format. The exact shooting date is stored there. You can time-stamp all photos at once, specifying your own font, position, and color of the date stamp. In addition, you can stamp pictures with extras such as GPS information or the name of the place pictured, the file name, or just about anything else such as the names and ages of your kids at the time!

Needless to say, you keep the non-stamped originals. We like time-stamps, but why stick with the same font and color if it is possible to change it with a couple of clicks? Besides, your mom and dad would be happy to accept a picture of your family signed for them with a special note, not just stamped with the date. Of course, you can easily do this over and over again, with different stamps, shapes and colors by simply using TimeToPhoto.

If you value your memories, if you want to know when and where your pictures were taken after many years, or if you simply want to send pictures of your kids accompanied with their names and ages to your relatives, download your free demo version of TimeToPhoto now: http://avpsoft. com/products/timetophoto/

Wolfsburg germany croatia vs. poland

The Croatian national football team has played in international tournaments as a national team since Croatia's independence in 1990-1992 and is controlled by the Croatian Football Federation.

The team played in their first major tournament in 1996 and has been a strong force in international soccer ever since. Finishing third in the 1998 World Cup against all Sportsbook odds, led by Golden Boot winner Davor Љuker. They have qualified for every World Cup that they have entered as an independent nation.

Between October 17, 1990 and March 1, 2006, Croatia has played 141 international games and had 71 victories, 42 draws and 28 losses. The team has been FIFA's "Best Mover of the Year" in 1994 and 1998

Soccer is probably the most popular sport in Poland.

Over 400,000 Poles play soccer regularly, millions more play soccer sometimes. The first professional clubs were founded in the early 1900s and the Polish national soccer team played its first international match in 1921.

There are hundreds of professional and amateur soccer teams in Poland. The soccer teams are organized into the national 1st league and 2nd league, 4 regional 3rd leagues, 19 regional 4th leagues, 49 regional 5th leagues and many more lower level leagues. There are also Polish Cup and Polish Supercup competitions.

The Poland national soccer team (Polish: polska reprezentacja narodowa) is the national soccer team of Poland and is controlled by the Polish Football Association.

It played its first international match on 18 December 1921 in Budapest against Hungary and was defeated 0:1. Poland won the Gold medal in the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, the Silver medal in the 1976 Summer Olympics in Montreal and the 1992 Summer Olympics in Barcelona. In the World Cup, Poland finished third twice: in 1974 and 1982.